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Micro Mini Submarine

Micro Mini Submarine

A micro:bit powered project that aims to recover small objects and assist in monitoring endangered marine life

Compton Unified School District



Global goals

SDG 14 Life Below Water

Our project

I researched information about submarines and how researchers used them to explore and monitor our oceans.

I used micro:bits to power the underwater motor thrusters and the ballast tank using a water pump and a small bottle. The mini sub I designed would be used to either recover small objects or assist in monitoring endangered marine life. I used the micro:bits radio blocks to transmit and receive signals to control the sub. The ballast tanks fill with the water pump to make it dive and surface. The motor thrusters are used for direction, I can control it to go forward or reverse. My dream is to use these types of craft around reefs and piers.

Our inspiration

I have been learning about how climate change has been affecting our oceans and how we can develop ways to make them more sustainable. Mr. Gonzalez invited a Marine Biologist from the Cabrillo Marine Center in San Pedro California and she spoke about the importance of maintaining our coast and reefs. I became interested in designing a small water vehicle that could be used in tight places to study marine life. We also learned about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and I was interested in Life Underwater. We have been learning about coding micro:bits and I wanted to use the radio blocks for the first time.

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