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Regenerative Ocean Farm

Regenerative Ocean Farm

This project utilizes micro:bits to control humidity on a regenerative farm.

Compton Unified School District

Citlali, Wendy, Camila, Jackelin


Global goals

SDG 14 Life Below Water

Our project

Our 8th grade team created a prototype of a Regenerative Ocean Farm. We researched ways to make our ocean more sustainable. We also wanted to explore ways we could grow food. For our project we researched, designed, and 3D printed all of the parts to create the prototype. We coded and used micro:bits to run our fans that would control the humidity in the actual design. Our project will have mini solar panels as well to ensure that we use Green Energy.

Our inspiration

In our Student Tech Team class, our teacher Mr. Gonzalez teaches about sustainability and climate change. He also introduced the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our District's theme this year will be about maintaining our oceans. Mr. Gonzalez encouraged us to choose a project that related to this team. Since we have a large aquaponics system in our classroom and already grow plants, we became interested in Regenerative Ocean farming, growing food underwater.

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