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Destaques de 2022

Thousands of young people aged 8 to 18 from all over the world took part in do your :bit 2022. Eles apresentaram soluções incríveis e inovadoras, criadas para atingir os Objetivos Globais e resolveram problemas enfrentados pelo mundo. 

Nossos juízes escolheram os vencedores de seis regiões globais - África Ásia & Pacífico, Europa, América Latina, Oriente Médio e América do Norte - nas três categorias dos desafios. Saiba mais a respeito dos vencedores, dos vice-campeões e de suas inscrições logo abaixo.

Soluções micro:bit — jovens de 8 a 14 anos

Nesta categoria, estes jovens foram desafiados a criar um projeto e desenvolver uma solução usando o micro:bit.



Jasser, Oussema e Iskander projetaram uma casa inteligente para ajudar as pessoas a viver confortavelmente e de forma sustentável. Inclui um sistema de alarme, iluminação, detector de vazamento de gás, monitor de temperatura e sistema de energia renovável.

Two winners standing with their smart home creation

The team display their smart home.

O protótipo de casa inteligente

O protótipo de casa inteligente

Ásia e Pacífico


Jared invented ‘e-mom’, a smart device to assist in monitoring and maintaining good posture and practice when learning online. The ‘e-mom’ tells children to maintain a reasonable distance between their eyes and the computer screen, monitors ambient lighting in the study room and, is equipped with a timer to remind children to have short breaks and drink water!

Jared said, "I found that with a creative and innovative mind, I could come out with a simple yet practical solution."

Jared holding his micro:bit creation. The 'E-mom' device.

Jared demonstrating his ‘e-mom’, a smart device to assist students.

E-mom device in action

'e-mom' in action.


Bósnia e Herzegovina

Ahmed's creation is a fire sensor alarm that helps to extinguish fires using renewable energy. A water mill provides energy to control a micro:bit that in turns sets off a water pump if a fire is detected by the sensors.

Ahmed said, "I chose this project because I know how dangerous fires are for the environment, the human community and especially for animals."

Ahmed standing behind his Micro:bit fire sensor model

Ahmed with his creation, the fire sensor alarm.

América Latina


Juan was motivated to create the 'early detection system for wildfires' after a large forest fire in Uruguay. The system uses micro:bit sensors to monitor temperature and humidity and alert firefighters when necessary. Juan wanted to create the device to avoid the destruction of eco-systems.

Juan standing behind his model

Juan shows us his early fire detection creation.

Oriente Médio

Arábia Saudita

Zayd’s ‘Electricity Generated Running Track’ turns energy from walking or running in to electricity. Zayd queria criar um dispositivo que não só nos impeça de queimar combustíveis fósseis, como também incentive as pessoas a levarem um estilo de vida mais saudável.

No futuro Zayd gostaria de ser um engenheiro mecatrônico Ele disse: "Eu quero criar mais invenções como esta que ajudariam o mundo."

Zayd sitting at his desk with he prototype in front of him and his design on his screen

Zayd with his ‘Electricity Generated Running Track' prototype.

América do Norte

Estado Unidos

Isla’s TASC (Teacher and Student Communication) allows teachers and students to communicate in class using the micro:bit radio function. Isla wanted to create a solution that allowed students who might be shy or need additional help to get support without being embarrassed to ask.

Isla said, "It feels incredible to have won this challenge during my first few months of using the micro:bit."

Isla sits and shows us her micro:bit device

Isla shows us her Teacher and Student Communication (TASC) device.

Protótipos em papel — jovens de 8 a 14 anos

Nesta categoria, pedimos aos jovens que criassem um protótipo de papel para explicarem suas ideias.



Oussema noted that climate change may increase the number of avalanche accidents in mountainous regions of the world. His ‘AV Detector’ detects avalanches and alerts the authorities to evacuate villagers that might be affected. It can also be used to locate hikers and climbers who may be in danger.

Oussema said, "We can always help to solve life problems with innovative ideas and appropriate technology."

Oussema nos mostra o design do seu Detector de avalanche em seu laptop

Design do Oussema para seu Detector de AV.

Ásia e Pacífico


Júlio Yan pensou em muitas questões que os agricultores enfrentam ao criar o seu “Assistente Inteligente de Agricultura”. O dispositivo utiliza água com pimenta para irrigar e manter as terras agrícolas e também se livra de pragas que estão arruinando as plantações. Jing Yan, através da sua proposta, apoiaria os agricultores a desenvolverem métodos agrícolas sustentáveis.

Jing aponta para o design em papel do seu assistente inteligente para agricultura

Jing Yan exibe o design do seu 'Assistente Inteligente para Agricultura'.


Reino Unido

Molly-Rosanna criou o 'Help A:bit', um dispositivo vestível projetado para ajudar a manter as pessoas em segurança nas ruas. É um dispositivo de segurança que se conecta ao seu celular via Bluetooth e pode rastrear localizações, ligar para serviços de emergência e notificar os contatos de emergência apertando um botão. Molly-Rosanna projetou o dispositivo para ajudar as mulheres a sentirem-se seguras e protegidas quando andam sozinhas.

Molly-Rosanna mostra um modelo do 'Help A:bit', dispositivo criado por ela.

América Latina


O "Projeto ACVM" do Vinicius e do Antonio visa reduzir o excesso de dióxido de carbono na atmosfera. Ele utiliza um medidor de CO2 para detectar a quantidade de gás no ar e envia esta informação ao micro:bit para calcular quantas árvores e plantas serão necessárias para retirar esse CO2 do ar.

Vinicius e Antonio segurando seu pôster de projeto fora da escola com seus professores

Vinicius, Antonio e seus professores mostram o projeto inscrito na competição.

Detalhe do pôster com o projeto ACVM.

Ilustração de Vinicius e Antonio do seu design micro:bit.

Oriente Médio


Alper created the ‘Deaf:bit’, an invention to support hearing impaired individuals live independently.

He said, "My friend's family is deaf. I saw the problem they were having and I wanted to develop a prototype for them. I thought how can I come up with a simple solution. When my teacher introduced micro:bit V2 features, I figured out how to do it."

The device is worn as a wristband and uses multiple micro:bits to give warnings in various situations such as when the house bell rings, a baby cries or a horn is sounded.

Alper shows us his 'Deaf:bit' design and the micro:bit.

Alper and his winning 'Deaf:bit' design.

Soluções micro:bit — jovens de 15 a 18 anos

Jovens de 15 a 18 anos foram desafiados a projetar e implementar uma solução usando o micro:bit.



Shanice created the ‘Balanced Diet Finder’ to help her community plan balanced meals that are healthy and nutritious. The solution, developed using AI and micro:bit, classifies food into food groups and supports the user to make healthy choices.

The Africa region winner Shanice

Shanice, the do your :bit winner from Kenya.

Ásia e Pacífico


Dang, Nguyen and Bui devised the ‘Healthcare Support System for the Elderly’. The system includes sensors to measure the health and environment of the user which can then be accessed by doctors or family. The system also features an automatic mechanism to dispense the correct dosage of medication at the correct time for the user.

The students said about their winning entry, "It will create a strong motivation for us to be more passionate about technology and computer science and encourage us to become programmers in the future."

The team of three students show their model and prototype

Dang, Nguyen and Bui display their micro:bit healthcare system.


Fatin, Wan and Ahmad created ‘Animal Foresee’ to try and reduce the amount of animals that are killed crossing roads. In their country, Malaysia, they are trying to protect elephants but they noted the device could be used to detect many types of wildlife, including tigers, elk and foxes. The device uses the micro:bit accelerometer to detect elephants near a road and the radio function to alert drivers.

The team said, "Taking part in the do your: bit challenge has inspired us to seek out problems in our world and try to find a way of solving them using technology."

Three team members presenting their design and prototype

Fatin, Wan and Ahmad present their entry, 'Animal Foresee'.



Qingzhe designed the ‘Time Keeper’ to protect animals from being involved in rail accidents. The device detects and times incoming trains and then uses sound to chase away animals who may be in danger.

Qingzhe presents his design for his micro:bit creation.

Qingzhe Jacob Zhang presents his design for the 'Time Keeper' creation.

Latin America


Mario and Daniel's ‘Intelligent Irrigation’ system aims to use resources, such as water, fertiliser and energy, efficiently. It uses the micro:bit and a humidity sensor to monitor conditions and a water pump to create a fully automated garden. The team said their project goal was to "use technology to serve nature and care for the environment".

The team of two show us their design and their prototype

Mario and Daniel with the design and prototype of the ‘Intelligent Irrigation’ system.

Middle East


Ali designed the ‘Room Monitoring System’ to create healthy spaces to live and socialise in. The system uses micro:bit to monitor the levels of humidity, temperature, and smoke in a room. It alerts users if action is needed, such as increased ventilation, to create a healthy environment.

Ali said about taking part in do your :bit, "This experience taught me to never give up, even if the problem seems to be unsolvable."

Ali shows us his model of the Room monitoring system

Ali with his model of the 'Room Monitoring System'.

North America

Estado Unidos

Dawsen and Matson created the ‘Fire Assistance for Places of Risk’ to protect ecosystems at risk of wildfires. The FAPR is a temperature sensing, fire detecting, and soil measuring device that can be strapped to a tree or placed in the soil to help prevent major fires. The solution uses the micro:bit sensors and LEDs to display monitoring data.

Dawsen and Mason with their device

Dawsen and Mason with their FAPR device.

Outros finalistas

Soluções micro:bit — jovens de 8 a 14 anos


Mariem, Alaa and Mohamed, Tunisia - a sea turtle incubator that controls the temperature of the sand to help protect sea turtles and determine the gender of newborns.

Balkis, Tunisia - the ‘Smart Puppet’ helps teachers communicate with autistic students.

Asia and Pacific

Yuuka, Akari and Lila, Japan - ‘Watey’ is an app to help families save water in the shower.

Zi, China - a bionic arm to support people with hand disabilities carry out tasks.


Kriton, Giorgos and Kuriakos, Greece - a device that detects if water bottles have been exposed to the sun too long, potentially causing the chemicals from the bottle to contaminate the water.

Bozica and Andrej, Macedonia - a boat that can collect toxic spills.

Latin America

Sara, Sebastian and Mariana, Colombia - project that recycles used cooking oil into a renewable fuel.

Michelle and Johan, Colombia - an intelligent waste sorting and storage system.

David, Peru - the ‘Hexagon Breathing Box’ teaches people a breathing technique to reduce stress.

Oriente Médio

Mustafa, Iraq - ‘Happy Date Palms’ helps farmers increase the productivity of date trees growing in Iraq.

Cybelle and Joury, Lebanon - the food expiry date tracker helps prevent food waste.

North America

Heritage Engineers, USA - the ‘Micro Band’ is worn by lumberjacks to prevent them cutting down too many trees and contributing to deforestation.

Olivia and Lucy, USA - the ‘Overfishing Weight Detector 3000’ weighs the amount of fish on a boat to prevent overfishing.

8-14 years old, paper prototype category


Ahmed, Tunisia - the ‘bit:care’ will help alzheimer's patients in their daily life.

Douaa, Rimes and Ikram, Tunisia - a robot scarecrow that uses sensors to protect crops and gardens.

Ásia e Pacífico

Eunji e Nakyung, Coreia do Sul - um dispositivo que monitora e gerencia a população de gatos de rua em áreas residenciais.

Alessio, Adrian and Ronan - the ‘Green Life 7000’, a robot that plants new trees.


Ayla and Amelie, UK - the ‘Help-o-meter’ allows homeless people to access support discreetly.

Chloe and Lexie, UK - the ‘Smiley-bit’ sends positive messages via the micro:bit to support people’s mental health.

Latin America

Anahy and Samyra, Brazil - a sound meter that monitors noise levels in schools.

Soluções micro:bit — jovens de 15 a 18 anos


Mohamed and Iyed, Tunisia - ‘Temp-reg’ allows uses to set the correct temp in a fridge for storing medicines.

Taha and Amine, Tunisia - a device that detects gas leaks and smoke in the home and alerts families to any danger.

Ásia e Pacífico

Ain, Nik e Ahmad, Malásia - um detector de má posição para incentivar os usuários a ter uma boa postura.

Rio and Chihiro, Japan - a power saving system to monitor light use in a family home.

Latin America

Christopher, Peru - the ‘Parental Control’ controls children’s use of screens when their parents are away.

Middle East

Husain and Sideka, Iraq - a smart Automated Hydroponics System created to minimise human interference

América do Norte

Samantha, USA - ‘Food for all’ helps food banks to monitor their stock to ensure they can always distribute food to those in need.

Shayyan, Charlotte and Udichi, Canada - ‘Micro:BITE’ helps users monitor expiry dates on food packaging to limit food waste.

Special mentions


The judges gave a special mention to Joel, Ryan and Wajih from Ireland for their entry, 'Climate Chaser'. Their creation is a system that captures CO2 from the air and feeds it to algae and other sea plants that use the CO2 to photosynthesize and create oxygen.

The judges wanted to acknowledge Joel, Ryan and Wajih’s entry and the value of thinking differently about climate change. The judges felt the team displayed real creativity in the research and design of their solution and original thinking about combating climate change.

Oriente Médio

The judges also gave a special mention to Ranim, Hala and Maha from Lebanon for their entry, ‘Microps’. A sua criação foi criada para que as plantações não sejam destruídas por furacões e tornados.

Os juízes queriam reconhecer o valor de pensar em soluções "fora da caixa" para resolver os problemas do mundo real. Os juízes sentiram Ranim, Hala e Maha mostraram originalidade e criatividade na forma como usaram o microbit para desenvolver sua solução.